Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Does the doctor make you sick?

What do you fear most about going to the doctor? Is it all doctors or just the dentist? What exactly don't you like. Be specific.


nikki said...

I absolutely hate going to the dentist because I do not like the smell of the office, the fact that they try to talk to me when I have a hose in my mouth, and the drill sends shivers down my spine. I would rather do almost anything than go to the dentist, but I go, because I know I need to keep my teeth and gums healthy.

Anonymous said...

I hate going to the doctor! I hate going there, because I have better things to do! I don't like going to the pediatrician, because she is annoying and asks me all of these questions. You also have to wait forever and then you are in the office forever. After, you have to wait for the nurse, and then the doctor. It is just a waste of my time! I also HATE the orthodontist and dentist, because I hate the noises they make with your teeth. As well as, talking to you and I don’t really want to be there! Every time I go to the doctor, I try to make every excuse to not go!
~Maggie D.

Anonymous said...

I hate both, I hate going there because every time I have to go I am ether sick or need a shot and I rather be some were else then going to the doctors and when I have to go to the dentist because I have to get my teeth pulled that is why I hate going to the doctors and dentist.
<3 Tiffany Blue <3

Anonymous said...

I hate waiting in a doctor’s office because I want to know what the diagnosis right away.
I don’t like the dentist chair because it makes me dizzy and have a headache whenever they put the chair down. I don’t like the taste of the dentist’s gloves because it leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I hate getting shots in my arm because it hurts me afterwards. I also hate going to the dentist because they try to talk to me when I have a hose in my mouth. I also hate when you wait too long for the doctor or nurse to come and check you out.

Stephanie Maffeo

Anonymous said...

I hate waiting in a doctor’s office because I want to know what the diagnosis right away.
I don’t like the dentist chair because it makes me dizzy and have a headache whenever they put the chair down. I don’t like the taste of the dentist’s gloves because it leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I hate getting shots in my arm because it hurts me afterwards. I also hate going to the dentist because they try to talk to me when I have a hose in my mouth. I also hate when you wait too long for the doctor or nurse to come and check you out.

Stephanie Maffeo

Anonymous said...

I don't like goign to the doctors because i hate getting shots. They give you about two shots but if they see oin your chart that you didnt get a shot they recomend they will give you that one as well. I also don't like the dentist because when they clean your teeth they sometimes find cavities, but when I go there they say I am cavity free which means i don't have any cavities. However, i dislike the smell of the dentist office because it just has a bad smell and you can smell it from like a mile away. As you walk downt he hall way to get to the dentist all you smell is the nasty dentist smell. GROSSSS!!!


Anonymous said...

i fear the me doctor is got to tell i have to do blood work and at the dentist i got to is me ulcle bill and the smell of the office is weard.

Colin O'Brien

Anonymous said...

I get scared when I go to the doctor because I don't like shots. I also don't like the doctors because the shots pinch me and it makes me feel uncomfortable.

seykora said...

I don't like to go to the doctor's office because I have to change into a gown. The gown's never fit me and I feel naked sitting in the room.

Miss S

Anonymous said...

i hate going to the doctors cause you have to wait for a long time in the waiting room because its just boring sitting their when you could be doing something else. and theirs always usually little kids crying or screaming or kicking in the waiting room and that can be a little annoying.

Anonymous said...

I liek go to the dentist Becose Coling uncl is my denist. he can be Fun to tac to hum.
Gabriel Kavookjian

Anonymous said...

I hate getting needles in my arm. When I needed surgery, they stuck this stupid IV in me and left it in forever!!:( I hated it and it was so uncomfortable. The surgery didn't hurt because they put me to sleep but I've always hated needles in my arm. I almost fainted one time I got a blood test and I get freaked out whenever I need a needle in my arm.

Anonymous said...

idont like to go to the doccer s because i need to wear qa gown and i feel naked.


Anonymous said...

I dont mind the doctors at all its ok